Dan Hester presents the Hiram Historical Society’s 2022 Hubert W. Clemons Award to Donna Ward at the HHS program Clips from the Collection held March 31, 2023
Donna was selected by an awards committee for her long service in such activities as restoring the fence at Hiram Village Cemetery, as volunteer on the town's budget committee, for generous support of Hiram's non-profit organizations, and for many other kindnesses over many years. One example of her compassion was checking on Howard and Helen Forsythe every day on walks with her dog Ginger, a visit eagerly awaited. When “Howie” turned 100, she and Darryl Ward planted 100 flags on this veteran’s lawn and organized a parade of fire trucks and other vehicles to pass by. When Donna became the Society’s indispensable treasurer in 2013, she brought HHS into the digital world. Dan Hester presented her with the award at the Society's first program of the season on Friday March 31 - Clips from the Collection - videos: Hiram Medley and Tour of Hiram's Historic Buildings - held at the Hiram Cultural Center's Art Center, 8 Hancock Ave. Even though it snowed the audience filled the hall to congratulate Donna.