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Hiram Historical Society awarded NEH Grant from the American Historical Association

Hiram Historical Society is excited to announce it has been awarded funding from the American Historical Association’s Grants to Sustain and Advance the Work of Historical Organizations Program, which provides relief to institutions adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This opportunity was made possible with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

The project “See it, Hear it, Speak it” is in two parts: the first to edit oral history videos to make them accessible; the second is to create a video tour, with narrative overlays, of historic physical features in the town of Hiram, Maine as a prelude to making a map of the town. The grant runs from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. The Hiram Historical Society will be aided in this project by volunteers who will view videos and provide titles and captions for technical consultant Charles Linden to insert and edit for public access. Volunteers will also photograph historic buildings and write brief narratives for homeowners of historic homes to speak to be inserted into the video tour of Hiram to be created.

HHS is one of 50 proposals selected. Awardees will implement short-term projects that explore new ideas using new technologies and expanding accessibility. We are grateful to the AHA and NEH for the support to carry out this project of important landmarks of Hiram’s heritage.


HHS needs you...

to view a video. You can help us identify people in the video, and to point out the most interesting parts for a collage. You do not need a computer, but it is helpful. To volunteer Call Sally Williams 207-615-4390, or, Maryagnes Gillman 207-625-7381, or, Sylvia Pease 207-625-8712, or


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